We now have Heat Shield for SUs and Strombergs in production for TR3 through
TR6. (TR4A Center Pull and TR6 are pending)
HOWEVER, I have had several requests for Webers, but know very little about
them. if it were possible to come up with individual heat shields that fit
the common Webers for most applications, it would be worth doing, I think.
Mounting Points seem to be the largest issue? I have a manifold and a pair of
40DCOEs on the shelf, so I at least have a reference.
I have one guy interested in doing a model for his Triple Webers on his TR6.
He is an architect, so design likely is not an issue. If you would like to
participate in this development, please send me your requirements and contact
information and I will take a shot at producing.
Dardano, Frymark, Dunst, Wakeman have expressed an interest in the past.
Anymore out there. I will explore all of the way through cost/price if I get
enough interest.
BTW, the alloy front engine mounts for TR3s and TR4s are in the production
line up. Perhaps two weeks to shipping.
Joe (A)