Recall that the FOT decided to take an ad in Burt Levy's new book, TOLY'S
GHOST, which will be released shortly. The hat was passed. Participation was
voluntary. $610 was raised. The business card sized ad, at the 'Club Rate',
cost $350.00, and the difference, $260.00, was placed in the FOT coffers at the
John Deere Community Credit Union. These funds are under the able guard of
Joseph Alexander, and not one penny will be wasted. The contributions ranged
from $10 to $100. We want to thank the following FOTers, who stepped forward
and made contributions:
Joe Alexander, Scott Barr, Bill Dentinger, John Fridirici, John Frymark,
Richard Good, Hassall, John Hornbostel, Joe Hovey, Mike Jackson, Bob Lang, Jim
McAndrew, Riverside Sportscars, Barry Rosenberg, Gary Schneider, Jeff Snook,
Talbot, Dean Tetterton, and Ed Woods;
Feel free to contact me, or Joe Alexander, with any comments or questions.
Bill Dentinger