So if there were no war in Iraq, or even if the WTC was never attacked then
New Orleans would have been OK???? Stop blaming Bush for the worlds
problems. The New Orleans levees have been ignored for twenty years, both D
and R
Regardless of the MASS stupidity that represents the political world, they
did build in a BOWL and relied on technology to save them. (THINK ABOUT IT)
I'm not casting any aspersions on New Orleans, I understand how it grew. We
are all going to be victims of increasing technology one way or another.
Can you get thru the day when your cell phone craps out? How 'bout the
The Internet. The grocery store. The water tap? We totally rely on
fragile technology for our daily existence so we can't fault looters raiding
grocery stores for grub. Bottom line, Nobody's to blame. We're all guilty.
IMHO, Steve