Thank you Susan...
Susan Kahler <> wrote:
Hey everyone,
At the risk of pissing some of you off, I'm gonna go ahead and say it
anyway. I am really disappointed about the response to the two posts
about the hurricane situation. I am asking you guys to quit whining
about how much gas costs now and how much it's gonna cost later and DO
SOMETHING FOR THESE PEOPLE! There are THOUSANDS of people who have
NOTHING. N-O-T-H-I-N-G! Not even a wallet, a change of underwear, or
the basics we all take for granted -- FOOD AND WATER!
I am issuing a challenge. Instead of pissing and moaning about the
things that inconvenience you at the moment, how about start digging
through your closets and attics and find things that can help these
folks!!! We have been digging through the house collecting old
T-shirts, clothes that no longer fit us that we were eventually going to
get around to donating to Goodwill, old towels and washcloths that were
still good but we were using for rags, bottles of shampoo I no longer
use and hotel samples and soaps I have saved, a couple blankets and
sheets we can spare, some bottles of water we had sitting in the garage,
and anything else we can think of to help these folks get through this
with basic needs and dignities taken care of. As I am writing this it
is making me think of other stuff we can dig out and send -- OTC
medicine we have used once or twice, garbage bags, toilet paper, canned
goods, etc. You don't have to give money, but please, PLEASE do what
you can to help these people out. There are drop-off areas all over the
place, or you can box stuff up and send it to me and I will get it to a
drop-off for you.
We are also donating some money through Brad's employer, who is matching
donated funds dollar for dollar, plus is donating a large sum on their
own. Most larger employers will match donated funds for something like
this -- check with yours if you feel inclined to donate money.
Please bear in mind a huge number of these people have NOTHING to come
back to. Their houses were either completely destroyed or swept away or
damaged so badly none of their possessions are recoverable. We consider
ourselves lucky in that we have race cars and can afford to pay for race
gas, and we get pissed off when we can't find that specific tool in all
of the clutter in our garages. These folks were lucky to get out with
the clothes on their backs, and a lot of them no longer HAVE garages or
the things in them!
I would love to see your posts on what you are donating or how you are
helping or any ideas you come up with to help others think of something
to do to help. If you do, please feel free to attach your gas pricing
comments at the bottom. I will read every one of them happily.
Thank you, and I'm getting off my soapbox now,
#4 white spitfire