I regret to say that I made a typographical error in the previous
message. The fact is that the additional smaller decals are not 3 3/4
wide but rather 2 >. That is 1 inch smaller than the large quantity
that I had printed up. Everything else I said applies.
I hope this has not caused anyone any trouble.
Sorry for the error (but some of you are aware of my limited typing
skills) :-)
Joe Curry
-------------- Original message --------------
> In running off the decals I have mentioned in the past few weeks, I
> also decided to use what might otherwise be waste to produce some
> smaller sticky-back decals. The image area is about 3-3/4" wide by
> over 2" high. While the 400 I ran off in the 3-3/4" wide size have
> cut around the perimeter of the image, these smaller ones are too
> to do that practically and are therefore surrounded by a white
> rectangular background with rounded corners.
> At any rate, I have 52 of these decals available for $2.50 each while
> the supply lasts. Anyone already sending in orders for the other sizes
> can simply add that to the order. If the weight of the shipment makes
> it exceed the postage that was calculated in my previous message, I
> pick up the overage cost.
> Regards,
> Joe Curry