At Mosport I had a Lotus 7 mysteriously encroach on my space at 110 mph down
the back straight. He had a steering wheel in his hand but it wasnt connected
to anything. As he faded to the rear, he eventually used a concrete wall to
slow his progress.
Most of us do not run rubber couplers. I use TR6 u-joints on the upper and
lower connections as it is a direct replacement an inexpensive.
Threading Concrete & Armco might have led to more that sitting and staring.
Have you checked your laundry?
> Sure had a lot of weird things happen today. Must have been the Mourverdre.
> Peyote was going like stink--running away from cars that should have just
> pounded us. John Mozart's Lister, all the Lotuses and Lolas, Devin SS's,
> everything. When flying into the Carousel with a Jag?lister and Devin SS in
> hot pursuit, only to find a Lotus had dumped all it's oil. Spun instantly in
> perfect sync with the Devin and Lister. Easy to see them because I was going
> backwards down the carousel. Thought everything was cool because I was so
> far from any wall, but the devin got me and just about ripped off the back
> end of Peyote. Total damage to the Devin was a little crack in the
> fobreglass. Lots of frantic pit bodywork and Peyote looked almost good as
> new. It's probably a bad thing that I can make this thing look like nothing
> happened after a major crash with just a ball pein hammer and a block of
> wood.
> Got blessed by Tech, back out for the main event, and again Peyote is going
> great guns in a very fast group--in third behind Don Orosco and Pete
> Lovely's Loti, harrying Pete for second. Right at the end of the front
> straight the steering wheel drops right in my lap. It disconnected fron the
> rack--the rubber flex fitting cam apart. I'm doing abbout 115 and there's no
> steering!
> Fortunately I switched to TR6 trunnions last year and they have caster. the
> car was wobbling, but when I touched the brake it straightened.
> Unfortunately it was headed for the wall. So I lifted again and it wobbled
> away from the wall, hit the brakes again and it stabilized going straight
> for the escape road--so I threaded thed needle between a concrete jersey
> barrier and armco at high speed with no steering. Got it stopped and just
> sat and stared for a while. Very weird. Very lucky.