From a Local Phoenix TR Club member
>As you know I have been completing the building. In doing so, I have had
>to purchase a number of parts and some machines for updating. My drill
>press is about 30 years old, God, surplus-ed it out. I decided to get a
>new floor model.
>Once in a while, I need the extra length. I called and checked the locals
>and could not find an American made unit, I purchased a Harbor freight
>one, Their "BEST". I know you are saying, here it comes again. You are
>right. It would not drill a .500 hole in hot roll steel. The hole was
>.521 because the brand new bit wobbled so badly. I took it back. I did
>not buy other any Harbor freight tools with the exception of "C: clamps,
>and a couple of dial angle indicators. They were indicating vertical at 6
>degrees off. They also went back.
>One kicker, I tried Sears, their best unit at $649.00 is the exact unit
>that I got at Harbor Freight for $329.00 and returned.
>When speaking to the store manager, I was told 1 in 3 or 4 electric tools
>sold do come back for one reason or another. Just for kicks I tried a
>dial caliper for accuracy using my "JO" blocks. At the closed end it was
>off .0023" at the far open end it was off .0037" try building an engine
>with those.
>I do have a Dayton electric drill press, however it does not have a rack &
>pinion table lift. Dayton wanted $1,700.00 for the parts to convert
>it. From checking, there are no American drill presses made at pricing
>under 1,500.00. Any ideas would be appreciated.
>John H.
>John Horton
>1-602-843-2422 fax