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Nebraska: Bill's disparagement of God's Country...

Subject: Nebraska: Bill's disparagement of God's Country...
Date: Wed, 4 May 2005 10:28:40 EDT
A saving grace is that you get your Governor from IOWA....well I guess he has 
moved on to Washington.  (Expect a candidate for President from Osage, Iowa, 
in the future)

> Bill wrote, "Books on tape--specifically Bridget Jone's Diary--the Edge of
> Reason got us through Nebraska. Few things could"
> Hmmm.... we'd take exception to that remark, if it wasn't so true.  LOL!
> Actually, if you get off the super-slab interstate highway, the state is not
> THAT bad.  You can go from the 1950's to the modern era in a several
> hours...
> And I LOVE books on tape.  I travel the Dakotas, Iowa and Nebraska on
> business regularly.  I usually check out a couple books on tape from the
> local library each month.  Combine that with NPR and a couple of good talk
> shows (or is that last an oxymoron?) on the radio and I can get through a
> long trip with (the remains of) my sanity intact.
> Joe Guinan
> Fremont, Nebraska

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