I may have inadvertently catalyzed this discussion on currency/politics by my
comments about the declining value of the dollar which has had the net impact
of making cars more affordable for overseasbuyers.
Note that that Speed coverage of the Arizona auction indicated they were
seeing more foreign buyers purchasing foreign cars and foreign sellers bringing
back muscle cars to take advantage of the current market.
This auction program is probably causing all FOT to pause and wonder how we
went so wrong by stockpiling up on Triumphs instead of pony cars. We obviously
need BMW to put new life into marque.
In a message dated 1/30/2005 4:39:18 AM Pacific Standard Time,
grandwazoo@earthlink.net writes:
Let's keep the talk on this forum to stuff about Triumphs. Not the place for
commentary of political issues.
Mike Jackson
JCJCarrera@aol.com wrote:
> Wheels, oil cartels, trade deficits complaints I can tolerate, but Bush has
> got the right ideas on SS.
> SS originally started out as a check to bury your loved ones during the
> depression. In fact the rousing bene is $255!!!--don't think it has gone up
> dime. After the hassle we went through on the death of my wife's mother in
> to get the lousy $255, we didn't waste our time when her Dad passed on last
> year.
> In true Democratic fashion, those of us willing to learn the investment
> world, save, and not get caught up in dot coms, tech stocks with no
revenues let
> alone earnings, have been penalized for the "guaranteed" hand outs to those
> are smart enough to vote in "elected" reps who know how to buy the votes by
> promising something for nothing. ( I believe my English teacher would have
> described that last sentence as a run-on, something one of my TR's does
when I try
> to shut her off)
> I've paid in the max since I started working, if I start drawing down in 06
> when I'm 62, I'll get a rousing $1,425 a month. Simply saving the same
> deduction on my own and investing it in a very conservative 60% stock, 40%
> portfolio would have tripled my monthly withdrawal!! And if I pass on
before I draw
> my own account down, what's left after estate taxes goes to my heirs! Yes,
> save and be disciplined would take some restraint, something FDR and Hilary
> don't think the average American could possibly do!
> Thanks for listening and thanks for all the great TR info!
> JJ