I have read the posts on this subject so far and I can agree with both points
of view. Track time is important to me, I won't deny it. The VDCA does a
great job of providing value and camaraderie. SVRA provides the larger fields
the more varied competitors that come with it. Both are enjoyable.
As for the festival events, I do avoid them, mainly because I "think" they
will fail to deliver on the two types of events I enjoy. I would like to see
festival events modeled on the VIR Gold Cup where they have struck the
balance. All that being said, I am on the list as a probable for Atlanta. If
value factor is out of whack when the preliminary schedule comes out I might
rethink my plans. If I have to travel on Wednesday instead of Thursday I will
to do the same. In the mean time I am on the list since I would like to race
on that track and because I will be in great company. Nuff said on Atlanta.
Regarding future events, I will rely on the more experienced members of the
group to lead the way. I will attend any annual FOT event that I can.
Leo Oddi
TR 250 #68, VDCA & SVRA