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Re: Possible frame issue

Subject: Re: Possible frame issue
From: "SHANE Ingate" <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 16:52:02 -0400
Marty Sukey wrote:

>Just to give you folks a heads up on a potential weak area on the TR6 

Only one weak area?  ;)

In my search to convert the "flexi-flyer" into something that resembles a 
1970s race car,
I've invested in 40 feet of  chrome-moly tubing welded to the chassis, 
applied continuous
weld to *every* weld point on the frame, and attended to the usual TR frame 
fixes by
extra gusseting at the steering rack, lower-A-arm pickup points, upper rear 
spring mounts,
and at all corners of the trailing-arm mounting beam.  At least now I can 
jack up one
corner and open and close doors (this without a motor and gearbox, so I am 
not sure
if this observation will change when the car is fully "dressed").

Shane Ingate in Maryland

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