In mocking up the aluminum tubing for my EFI manifold I am designing for
my Spitfire 1300 engine, I am having difficulty determining the best
orientation of the throttle body so that the cable linkage does not
interfere with the runners.
I am using a Honda Civic 1500 throttle body and the throttle linkage
normally goes down the side of the manifold main tube. However, with
the way the Spit head is designed, I will have interference with the
front port unless I extend the manifold a great deal further forward.
An alternative is to orient the throttle body 90 degrees from its normal
orientation so that the linkage runs on top of the manifold main tube.
This would have the butterfly shaft vertical rather than horizontal.
I can't think of any reason this will not work as well as it is
positioned on the Honda engine but would like to poll the wisdom of the
list to get other opinions.
Anyone want to venture a guess?
Joe (C)