Hi all!
A huge thank you to everyone who responded to my fuel system question.
I apologize for taking so long to get the results posted!
Here is what I found. Out of everyone who responded, here is the
breakdown of what people use/do:
Holley regulator -- 9
Off-the-shelf regulator -- 1
Facet fuel pump -- 3
Holley Blue Top fuel pump -- 3
Holley Red Top fuel pump -- 2
Carter fuel pump -- 2
Mallory fuel pump --1
Bendix (like Facet) fuel pump --1
Off-the-shelf electric pump -- 1
"Double-ender" fuel pump -- 1
Two pumps -- 6
Generic fuel filters -- 3
Mallory fuel filter -- 1
Wix canister fuel filter -- 1
Fram HPG1 fuel filter -- 1
Earl's fuel filter -- 1
Glass fuel filter --1
Single pickup -- 5
2 pickups -- 2
Pickup at rear left -- 2
Center rear pickup -- 2
So it looks like the fuel system is a matter of personal choice and
there is not one overall configuration that shakes out of the data.
Using the Holley regulator and using two pumps seem to be popular.
Thank you again for your responses, including those of you I was not
able to respond to personally!!!
Keep Triumphing,
Susan :)