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Re: lap times & Curta Calculators

Subject: Re: lap times & Curta Calculators
From: Tony Drews <>
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2003 16:36:08 -0600
A Halda Tripmaster is 15 hours from selling on e-bay right now for 280 
pounds UK (almost $500 US).  You would think the Twin-Master would be worth 

- Tony Drews

At 03:15 PM 12/22/2003, wrote:
>My 66 E-Type has a Halda Twin-Master in it.  Red lamped map light as well.
>The thing still works and is exceedingly accurate.  What are those things 
><< There was another must-have item
>  for rallyists, that of a Halda Tripmaster. Anyone seen one of
>  these lately? >>

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