Keep the faith. Your updates are fascinating, and the points in your post
were well made. As you say, who else are you going to share the trials and
tribulations with?
The products you are bringing to market are unique and not suitable for mass
distribution, so information about them can hardly be classed as "Spam".
all the best in your endevours
Kelvin Dodd
> Besides the reasons I have expressed for sharing my progress, it also
> comes down to this: Who better to share the news with? I
> can tell you
> this, it's a boring topic for anyone that's not into cars. If I do
> bring it up, I usually just get slammed for bothering with
> Triumphs at
> all. Then I remind them, I make them for Triumphs because
> that is my
> hobby, that is my interest, and that is a good part of my circle of
> friends... even if you all are thousands of miles away.
> (Then they look
> at me as if I just told them I was a "Trekie" that goes to Star Trek
> conventions.) I don't mind sharing my setbacks with you
> all, even if
> it's an embarrassing mistake on my part. That is what this
> hobby is about.