I had one on my first TR 4A, and I have another on my current TR 4A. I
use Fram PH 3600. Coincidentally, at the bottom of a box, 5 minutes
ago, I found the directions from one of those units, but I don't recall
if it was the directions from my earlier version, or the one I'm using
now. The directions I found are from "A MOCAL product made in
England"... and they suggest Fram PH 966. (I have been using the 3600
filter for about 10 years now.)
The only problem I ever had with these unit s was the first one I
bought... the custom little adapter extrension screw that was provided
was weak and poorly engineered. Eventually it snapped apart... back
then... I simply had a friend of mine machine up a custom one... but
that was the first TR ... on the latter, when I bought a kit, I was
satisfied that the same part was now engineered better... and I
installed it as is.... no problems.
I do still adjust the built in pressure relief valve.... it still
influences the oil pressure as seen at the gauge.
Peter Vucinic wrote:
>Dear Listers,
>I am seeking comment from those of you who have a "Spin On" filter conversion
>fitted to your TR2/3/4/4A.
>! am interested to hear whether you have had any lubrication issues while
>having this conversion fitted such as: -
>1. Have you suffered from oil pressure problems/anomalies? Either needed to
>increase or decrease the pressure relief significantly, in relation to the STD
>canister type set up?
>2. Have you had any bearing failures?
>3. Have you had excessive wear of the oil pump drive shaft tang?
>4. What brand/type/No. of spin on oil filter element do you use?
>5. Does the oil filter element you currently use have an in built pressure
>relief valve? Or do you rely on the filter head/block to do this?
>6. Would you recommend this conversion for only RACE, STREET use, or both?
>Thank you for your assistance and I will post findings back to the list.
>Kind Regards
>Peter Vucinic