>I got a another idea! With all of the work that Kent (and the other CAM
>CORDER guys) put into this, have each club member who wants to see
>it...order one.
Not everyone in the club needs nor wants their own personal video, but some
would like to see it. Maybe some after viewing it would even want to order
their own copy. Much the same way after renting a movie from Blockbuster
that you did not see in the theater you decide to purchase a copy for your
own library. I own a copy of Steve McQueen's "LeMans" on DVD but I only
spent (lost?) a $1.50 (and that was too much money) to watch Stallone's
"Driven" on PPV on cable.
>Forget about burning copies. It's counter productive to the process.
Not burning "copies", just burning a copy. The burned DVD is what then
get's lent to members and the fragile VHS tape stays safely secured. That
way if one member cannot borrow the tape it and forgetfully leaves it in
their car in Phoenix and thus ruin it for the next member to view. The DVD
gets scratched we throw the disc away and make another to replace it.
>Bill Dentinger