About twice a year folks on the lists discuss oils -- and like belly
buttons and opinions, everybody has one. Today I found myself standing in
the oil department trying to decide which magic elixir to use when I take
the break-in oil out of my engine. After all these years, I don't REALLY
know which is best.
Should I go with all synthetic, synthetic blend, or just dino juice? And
should I go with really light stuff, like Mobil 1 0-30 weight to hopefully
make more hp, or with 40-50 wt to make sure everything is protected?
Furthermore, on what basis could I make a halfway intelligent decision?
Everybody seems to have success stories.
Sooo....here's a survey of a different sort: Has anybody had a BAD
experience with an engine that they could directly attribute to the kind of
oil they were using?
uncle jack