While I agree with the fact that the present situation seems to be low
risk, I do feel obligated to take exception to the analogy to the common
Almost everyone in North America experiences at least one or more
colds per year, so the death rate of even 10,000 would be less than 1 in at
least 25,000 based a population of at least 250,000,000 people. If my math is
right it would be lower than .004% mortality based on 10,000 deaths.
The SARA virus, based on 5.9% mortality, with the same exposure in
North America (250 million people) would theoretically produce about 15
million deaths. Hopefully this will put into perspective why there is such
concern over this virus.
However, I do share your opinion that the situation, at the present,
appears to be contained. And that I would prefer to be driving rather than
flying to Toronto. Further, by June, it might be the US citzens who are
banned from coming into Canada because of outbreaks here in the states.