All new FoT members who make an appearance at Mosport, in June, please step
forward and identify yourself.
We could introduce you at our Mosport FoT Meeting, but we dont have no stinkin'
There will be some kind of a reception on Thursday evening at the track, at
last planning
Just gather at the Western PA Hospitality Tent for coffee and rolls in the
morning, and beer at night, and anytime during the day.
Welcome aboard, Simon, et. al.
>Simon's Email address is <>
>Bill and Tom,
>Thank you for the seconds. I've let him know to put together a quick biography
>and introduce himself.
>************* ************************
>I am nominating Simon Rasmussen to our ranks. I ran into Simon on Grassroots
>Motorsports Message board (Thanks Tim) where he posts under the moniker
>"Triumphracer". I queried him about why he used the name "Triump hracer". As
>turns out, Simon runs Solo I events and has a pretty sweet and highly modified
>TR4. He is also very active with the Toronto Triumph Club.
>When I asked him about the FOT, he replied, "I have found few people in our
>really intere sted in competition, plenty of interest in watching, not much in
>doing." Well, he's doing it and he sure sounds like our kind of guy.
>How about a second for Simon?
>Jack Brooks
>Covington, WA
>1960 TR3A
>1980 TR8