... Christmas is coming.
In my town, one of the last large employers is imploding (my own
employer, as it turns out). Our own employment has dropped from a peak
of 1150 in March, 1998, to 650 in June 2000, to 320 last spring. Now,
it's about 30. When I delivered some Thanksgiving turkeys and other food
to a local church activist, he could barely have a word to me because of
the people calling him needing food. It was, for me, a sign of the
times, a sign of hard times for many in my community.
It's now winter. Those who minister to the poor in this country are
hard-pressed. No matter how you feel about charities, they are now the
front lines of defense against the death and diminution of the least of
I believe it is in Will and Ariel Durant's _The History of Civilization_
where they write, "the measure of a civilization is the degree to which
it cares for the least of its citizens."
Those of us who can afford this hobby can also afford to feed a few of
the poor in our midst, can afford to buy a toy for a child at Christmas.
This Christmas, please remember the least amongst us.
Cheers, and thanks.
Michael D. Porter
Roswell, NM (yes, _that_ Roswell)
Don't let people drive you crazy when you know it's within walking