Congratulations. It must be deeply rewarding to have been instrumental in
creating something that will endure for a long time -- an achievement of a
nature that few of us experience.
At 01:15 PM 10/12/02 -0400, wrote:
>For those of you who get to see this past week's issue of AUTOWEEK, the
>inside rear cover carries the newest PORSCHE ad. It is a picture of a new
>PORSCHE, with the new Santiago Calatrava MILWAUKEE ART MUSEUM Addition in the
>back ground. Described internationally as the most significant building
>designed and built in the year 2001, it is already attracting a half million
>visitors per year.
>Our company was privileged to do the granite and marble work on this
>building. While there is almost no masonry whatsoever on the building
>proper, there is nearly two million dollars worth of horizontal stone pavers,
>stone fountains, benches, etc., surrounding the building proper. That is
>what the PORSCHE is standing on. The way marble and granite stains, it is
>probably a good thing it is not one of our TRIUMPHs...even though it would be
>a better picture. I think a nice TR6 replacing the PORSCHE would make for a
>better picture.
>Any of you who does not live in the Milwaukee area, but who race ROAD AMERICA
>from time to time, should take the time to visit this facility. It is
>awesome. If you are interested in such things, and would like to see a
>picture of this internationally significant new building, contact me off
>list, and I will E-mail one to you.
>Bill Dentinger
uncle jack