Thanks so much to Dave Masey, John R., Lstein, Dick T, Michael Porter, Glen,
and Last but not least John Kipping for taking the time to try and help me
Saturday night. Jason and I worked furiously and we thought we had the
problem solved around midnight. No, problem, just finish putting the car
back together, load it on the trailer sleep for a couple of hours and we will
be autox'n bright and early in the morning. NOT! We finished the car around
2:00am and I jumped in the drivers seat to take a spin around the block,
turned the key and....... yup you guessed it, no stinking spark to be found.
Back to square one. We played around Sunday and finally had success. It
seem that the optical trigger in the distributor was going bad. It would
work sometimes and would play dead other times. Any how, car is running,
running strong too (thanks for the cam Ken G.) Thanks again all.
Marty Sukey