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Grassroots Motorsports Story

Subject: Grassroots Motorsports Story
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2002 15:04:15 EDT
Okay, the results are in. This means that you are either good, fast, popular 
or were quick to bribe people.

For our TR3 driver, overwhelmingly Mike Jackson was our winner. For TR4 Mr. 
Wright was our winner with the Drews team a close second. The Spitfire 
segment came down to Ryan and Jones. On the MG side of the equation, 
Quattlebaum was the only guy known to drive an MGA while Munoz and Gonda were 
tied for MGB. Schaefer and Meis were the only Sprite drivers nominated.

Honarable mention needs to go to Bill Dentinger. Everyone said while not the 
fastest, he is the nicest guy alive and has the most original car. Everyone 
also said we should do a seperate story on Bill. This is such a good idea 
that we did write a story about Bill and his cool blue car about five years 
ago. I guess we should do it again soon, but not as part of this weekend. A 
couple of votes came in for Henry Frye, but I am pretty sure they were all 
from him using different email addresses. (I am kidding here Henry so don't 
punt me off track... I've been there and didn't like it!)

Okay, so where does this leave us? I know Mike Jackson, Mr. Wright and the 
Drews will be there. If you are on the above list or know someone who will be 
there, please get with me a.s.a.p. I guess if we can't find any sissy MG 
drivers I will just write about a bunch of Triumph racers... probably a 
better use of magazine pages anyway.


Tim Suddard
Publisher/Grassroots Motorsports
(386) 673-4148

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