As Joe Alexander's plate is pretty full these days, I have agreed to
orchestrate the FOT's ad in Burt Levy's new book, THE FABULOUS TRASHWAGON.
The one/quarter page ad, in Black and White will cost $750. Two (-2-) FOT
members have already pledged over 50% of that amount, so we're only looking
to cover the balance, around $350. Participation is completely voluntary,
time is of the essence, so if you can spare $5, $10, or whatever, send it to
me at:
n29 w22775 Marjean Lane
Waukesha, WI 53186.
If you can participate, please try to do so within the next week. Any funds
collected over the amount needed for the ad will be forwarded to Joe
Alexander, as seed money for miscellaneous expenses that are sure to come up
with the MID-OHIO event. This is a special year for TRIUMPH. Special
efforts are in order.
If you would like to see a copy of the proposed ad. Contact me off list, and
I will send you a copy of the ad.
Bill Dentinger