I think I may have been sending some messages to the wrongs lists. There
is the DOE jetting question on one list and a thread about TR3 engine
mods for racing on another list. And of course sine I'm particiapting in
both & most people are hitting reply to all I'm getting at least two
copies of each reply to each thread.
Sorry if someone read a reply that seemed part of a different discussion.
>Don't believe the question has been answered.
I agree. I don't know a thing about jetting tripple DCOEs on a 2L TR six
but I did pick up on the statment about two fuel pumps and wanted to make
a comment about fuel pressure. And it looks like replys focused on fuel
pressure and not the original question. Sorry 'bout that.
TeriAnn Wakeman If you send me direct mail, please
Santa Cruz, California start the subject line with TW -
twakeman@cruzers.com I will be sure to read the message
"How can life grant us the boon of living..unless we dare"
Amelia Earhart 1898-1937