You can get a Build Record for your TR2 or 3 from Joel Rosen. Send $10.00 to
him at:
833 Rampart Way
Union Bridge, MD 21791
410 775-7937
The build record comes from the records of Standard Triumph and tells the build
date, body shell number, colour, options, etc.
It is TYPEWRITTEN on a real typewriter on a half sheet of paper. It comes from
the Triumph Register in England. It is not a fancy certificate.
For an example, look in Bill Piggott's book Triumph by Name, Triumph by Nature
on page 26.
I have one for both my threes. Kent, did you ever get yours?
<<< <> 9/13 11:20p >>>
The BHMIT was kind enough to send me a copy of the microfiche which
they believe has the manufacturing abbreviations that provide the
specifications for Tr 2 TS 3281 L. They did this because they are not willing
to provide a formal certificate because parts of the microfiche is damaged.
Can anyone recommend a reference which explains how information was
grouped in the " xxx/xx/xxx" sequence and the meaning of various
abbreviations ?