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Re: Any TR4's for sale?

To: "jaboruch" <>,
Subject: Re: Any TR4's for sale?
From: "R. John Lye" <>
Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2001 19:51:49 -0400
At 09:28 AM 7/3/01 -0400, jaboruch wrote:
>I came across a racer in a rented MGB-GT that is looking for a TR4 to
>race.  I remember seeing some in the past cross this list, but did not
>pay attention.  Any out there?  John Lye wasn't yours for sale?

Yup, it still is too.  I'd be happy to provide details (either directly
or through you whichever you'd prefer).  Since the Formula Ford
is now here, there's a bit more impetus for me to sell it, too, since
space is at a premium (hint, hint).

Thanks for thinking of me,

R. John Lye

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