One of the things I was taught by others of the "old time guys" is
"NEVER,NEVER use chrome on chrome". In all of the last engines I did for the
TR-4's I used chrome top rings and found that they did not want a long
break-in but responded to a fast run of about five minuets on the dyno at
half speed and power. In the end to make the most power I found it best to
lap the rings into the bores of the sleeves on the bench then fit to the
block. It's a pain in the neck with pans of gas or whatever but very very
effective.. As this could become another "Spitfire Gt-6 brakes controversy",
I'll shut up now.
----- Original Message -----
From: "William G Rosenbach" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: Total Seal rings
> The only time I have ever encountered rings that would not seat was when
> we fitted a set of chrome rings in a TR-6 "BILCHROME" block. It was a
> street engine and after several thousand miles and several stops by law
> enforcement for smoke we tried a drastic measure. We fed the engine,
> through the carburetors, BonAmi. It did not work. The only remedy was
> fitting plain cast iron rings. They seated in minutes.
> Always wanted to try chrome rings in a chrome block when the cylinder
> walls were mirror smooth, but never got to that point.
> Are there high chromium liners for the TR-4?
> Were the TotalSeal rings chrome?
> Bill 1970 GT-6+
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