Greetings Friends of Triumph
Accolades: Mordy Dunst remains your website benefactor and webmaster...Henry
Frye is website administrator. Truly a coast to coast collaboration, since
Mordy is near Los Angeles and Henry is in Connecticut. This requires some
effort when you consider how busy Mordy and Henry are. In addition to their
careers, both are known to harbor more than a few cars....I can attest to
this as I have visited both of them. Egads!!!
/ .... pause here for some cyber applause for Mordy and Henry.
The website has become a bit more interactive with Henry's addition of the
Mid-Ohio pre- registration form...good start...keep them coming. We will find
the information useful in discussions with SVRA. Use:
Sidebar #1: are you still out there, Bill Warner....or can someone fill me in
on his whereabouts?
Sidebar #2: there is some interest in a Triumph Autocross for those who do
not road race....I'll offer this up to SVRA and Mid-Ohio.
Sidebar #3: I wish I could say more, but there is time for this later.
"Important People" Request: There needs to be some people at this event who
might have raced a Triumph in the past or were importantly involved on
Triumphs, one way or another. They might be on the FOT or they might not.
Please submit to me, in private, your candidate for a personal FOT invitation
to this event. Try to include a few words about your candidate. If you have
an address or e-mail for them this would be useful.
Joe (A)