At 05:59 PM 4/2/2001 +0000, Jack W. Drews wrote:
>Henry Frye wrote:
> > As I understand it, a while back Charles (TRF) had a run of syncros made up
> > in Taiwan.
> >
> > At 04:46 PM 4/2/2001 -0500, Coffey, Jack wrote:
> > >Does anyone have 2 sets (or source for) NOS synchros for TR6 gearbox.
>The last set I bought from Moss were good ( six months ago). The last set I
>bought from TRF were bad (two weeks ago)
Interesting, did the TRF syncros have the infamous "Made in Taiwan" on the
bag? As I recall, the difference was quite obvious holding one of each. If
I can put my hands on the TRF ones (buried somewhere) I can measure each
and report back. I have a Rimmers set in my office.