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SoCal Travel and TR4A Inquiry

Subject: SoCal Travel and TR4A Inquiry
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 15:29:55 EST
You can delete if you live east of Lake Michigan.

Well folks...Looks like a trip from the frozen midwest to SoCal is 
materializing. Expected departure is on or about the 26th of February. One 
destination will be San Clemente. Hopefully Kent & I can spend 48 hours or so 
in this area.

Who is up for a meeting in the area south of LA?...perhaps for a couple of 
hours one evening. 

Itinerary not firm, but a swing north to check on Herman van den Akker and 
the Hedke's of Great Race Fame, might be possible.

Phoenix & Las Vegas likely stops. RV is mode of transportation so we may put 
in some long days on the road and try to make time to see some dear friends 
and relations.

Inquiry: Terry Chew of Cedar Rapids is looking for a decent TR4A....... he 
would like to have a black one with red interior TR4A with live axle, but 
understands that this is not likely. If anyone is aware of a nice TR4A on our 
route, that you can commend, we might be able to take a look.

Reply Offline...sorry for the 150 pieces of e-mail but I didnt want to miss 

Joe (A) 

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