I have forwarded to Mark a copy of the excel spreadsheet that was use to
tabulate the survey results. My current understanding is that he will post it
for you to individually download. Because many of the responses that were
received did not directly answer the survey questions, some interpretation
had to be done by me. I apologize in advance to anyone whose responses have
been incorrectly represented.
The over-all TOT roster includes 157 names. Of the 157, fourteen FOTers
responded positively about participating in a nation FOT autocross. If your
name has an AY or BY after it, it means that you were tabulated as interested
in autocross. The BY means both autocross and racing. Thirty-nine FOTers
expressed an interest in racing. If you name has a BY or RY in it, it means
that you have been designated as a someone interested in road racing. (Smile
....I just realized that I forget to input my own responses on the excel
There are 105 FOTers for whom we do not have a survey response. In
looking over the N list, there are many names and email addresses which have
not been very active from my recollection. I am wondering if we need to do a
little list management. It would also be nice to complete some basic
information as to whether FOTers are autocrossing/racing/rally, etc... as
well as types of cars, geographic location, current race group (SCCA, SVRA,
From casual looking over the surveys, the most frequent concern expressed
was the investment in time and effort to reach an event. The underlying
fundamental question would seem to be whether the investment in time and
effort is worth the "fun" factor. The best suggestion to this end was to have
FOT test days before an established race events so that one had plenty of
track time.
Thirty-eight cars is a feasible number to have an FOT national gathering
as a midweek club test days type event prior to a race event. The numbers
further suggest that in combination with other British race groups, we could
gather the numbers for an all British autocross/racecar weekend race event.
A number of survey responders implied that there were many more triumph
racers out there than those on FOT lists. E-Ticket Triumph and VARA's
Spitfire groups together apparently number more than thirty cars by
themselves. So the possibility does exist at some future time of an all
Triumph event. We probably should have an effort to compile a more complete
list of triumph racers.
Based on the many comments and suggestions that have been offered, here
is what seems to be a feasible strategy.
2001 We select some existing regional race events to have organized FOT
gatherings. We work with the organizers to get some reserve paddock space for
the triumphs together. We work with regional VTR chapters in an attempt to
setup meeting coinciding with race events.
2002 We continue to select regional races for FOT gatherings and we use
the Mid-Ohio event as our national gathering. We lobby VTR to hold their
national meeting at Mid-Ohio for that event. We work with other British
Groups to foster major turnout.
2003 We continue regional get together. We work with other British groups
to setup another national event in 2004.
In order for this to happen, there needs to be a more formal working
structure. A group would need to take the lead in organizing the regional
events. Another group would need to take the lead in organizing the national
events. The question has been raised as to whether this should be best done
through an established national organization like VTR.
I have no experience with VTR, but I do have with the Ferrari and Porsche
Clubs. Both of these clubs (w/ factory assistance) support racing efforts
through having meeting coinciding with events like the Monterey Historics. If
VTR can play a similar role in developing an appreciation of Triumph's racing
among Triumph owners, then we will all benefit.
Since an all British event would require support from other marques,
perhaps VTR could also play a role in arranging a coinciding autocross and
car show with the other marques.
Finally, an underlying issue that has been raised in how we classify cars
in an all Triumph event. Frankly, if we are talking about some club test days
prior to a race event, it pretty evident that we combine cars with similar
performance times. However, in actual races, there was the typical issue
about the degree of cars preparation verses racing group.
Regards, Cary