In catching up on rental movies that I refused to pay theater prices to see, I
gave in to the request to see "Three to Tango" with Mathew Perry (so what) and
Neve Campbell (sigh). THE IMPORTANT thing is that in several street scenes
there was - NOT gratuitous nudity, but rather a Gratuitous Triumph TR3.
White, red interior, and there was no relation to the movie line or script with
this car as it was never driven, and all the actors walked everywhere.
Anyone know who's car this is / was ?
Please don't tell me this "went 'round" before I joined FOT..... Dan D., email
me off line soon!
Jeffrey G. Wilt, P. G., Rone Engineers, Inc.
8908 Ambassador Row, Dallas, TX 75247
(214) 630-9745 (214) 630-9819 fax
(214) 729-8475 cell