I'd forgotten it was hovering around 100 degrees during the day here in
Salt Lake City. Why was it I left Portland? Anyway, various chillers and
fans are back in operation, so maybe I'll stay somewhat cool going through
the 6,004 team.net error messages, and a couple thousand more sent hither
and yon by various filters on my email addresses.
Overall I'd say it was a good trip, in spite of various details about the
host hotel and the organization of the autocross. Thanks to Bill Babcock
for hosting the friday evening festivities. If I could remember how to hold
a cue stick, we would have finished the game and let you close up earlier.
So it goes.
For next year in Colorado, we need a venue before, during, or after, where
a Triumph race car can get out and stretch it legs. It was nice to see
Peyote on that so called autocross course, though!