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Uncle Jack's Disease...

Subject: Uncle Jack's Disease...
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 17:20:12 EDT
So I'm goin over the Duke in preparation to next weeks's onslaught, and I 
can't quite get the rear carb to behave. Either the float level is too high, 
or its too low! Undestandable except I'm hardly movin the float arm. And then 
it hits me... Uncle Jacks been having bad floats with the current gas! Sure 
enough, the float "sloshes" when I shake it. I'd like to think that I would 
have eventually figured it out, but for some reason the net wisdom (thanks 
Jack) came to the forefront and saved me a bunch-o-time.

And a-nother-thing... Has anyone with an IRS car had the rear axle lube climb 
out of the vent hole? ThunderHill has a combo of a fast left at turn one and 
a veeery looong left hand turn two. I think that the lube is plastered on the 
right side of the diff case thru these turns and coming out the breather 
hole. I've never had this happen on a straight axle car no matter how long 
the corner, but am new to the IRS third member with its smaller confines. Is 
this something to worry about, or is it just a "normal" IRS event?

Has anyone else noticed all the crows lately???
                 Nick in Nor Cal  (amidst the wildlife)...

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