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Re: Points deductions, concours

Subject: Re: Points deductions, concours
From: "Bill Sohl" <>
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2000 20:57:43 +0000
From:          Self <billsohl
Subject:       Re: Points deductions, concours
Date:          Sun, 12 Mar 2000 20:41:51

Ted wrote:
> when the judged cars are better than anything we had in our showroom
> new, they should also be awarded over-the-edge demerit points. we sold
> these cars new and know how good they weren't.  maybe real points for
> real cars should be the judging criteria. example, we sold most of the
> cars without radios but occasionally someoen would want a radio.  if
> they wanted the oem radio, be it bmc or standard triumph, we would
> install it. if they didn't care what radio, there wer ebetter ones on
> the market so we would use one of those.  now, this brand x radio was
> priced on their original invoice from our delareship.  if years later
> they show up at a meet, should they be docked points for this radio? 
> certainly not. it came with the car from an authroized dealer. this goes
> on and on. ted
> Ted Schumacher        

Well VTR has not deducted points for correct period
accesories (at least as far as I can recall) so hopefully it
isn't a problem at VTR events.

As to car that are "over restored".  I think as long
as those cars that ARE equivalent to factory
build specs and appearance don't lose points
in the comparison, then things will be about as
good/fair as they can.  Over restoration is a real
can-o-worms for any car judging, be it VTR,
AACA or just about any club.

Bill Sohl

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