Thanks. Simple as that.
Despite the ever increasing value of the cars, as well as the
historical significance of certain vehicles, it is stories like this
that *really* make me proud to be part of a community like this one.
Scott Fisher once wrote us (back in the dark days of the SOL list) about
the joys of driving his daughter to school in a slightly ornery old MG
that had to have the fuel pump whacked with a mallet every few miles.
The mental image of the two of them motoring down the road, singing to
the fuel pump will stick with me for a long time to come. This story
Why is it my stories seem to revolve around high speed runs down
twisty roads and nearly hitting a variety of wild fowl? Different life
choices I guess. :-}
Thanks again.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: jonmac []
> Sent: Thursday, December 09, 1999 2:25 PM
> To: Friends of Triumph
> Subject: Matters 'Gloria'
> Friends
> Just a rather nice little story of an event that occurred
> today. At the risk of a little extra bandwidth, I'd like to
> recount it.