Hi guys
Complements to Jack W. Bill D. and Kas
I noted all your questions, which were very well put and show a deep
understanding of Twin Flux ignition systems. Unfortunately, I missed out a
very important aspect of the Cyclotron specs on my original paper which
will doubtless clear things up.
The axial spindle shaft upon which the grammeter and the obturator ring
revolve is coated in alutrox - decahedrahydrotone, which insulates the
shaft throughout it's length and bearing surface against reverse passage
voltage osmosis - commonly known in the trade as periodic anal infarction
(especially if you've been drinking Guinness the night before you tackle an
explanation like this). Thus, I feel sure your questions involving transfer
functions, different coolants, modifications to naggling pins, and why only
two of the hexile cap screws must be left hand thread. It's all a question
of shaft insulation, or in simple terms making sure insulating parameters
of the shaft match the oxydronal link between the viametric constant of all
flux generating tollomers.
I beg your forgiveness for omitting the shaft spec, which must have
involved you all with many hours of quantum style applied maths, but this
only proves that the FOTer group is not only on top - but underneath as
Have a great time this week end guys. I'm off to the Isle of Man early
tomorrow until Monday - wonder if I can sell any Cyclotrons. I'm doing well
with the OXOMETERS but that's another story for next year.
All the best and thanks so much for all the fun.