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Re: SU Carbs

To: Jack Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: SU Carbs
From: "R. John Lye" <>
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 08:12:57 -0400
At 06:55 AM 7/8/99 -0500, Jack Wheeler wrote:
>Also when the carbs were set up by Dick Stockton, he drilled a 1/8" hole in
>the brass cap on the top of the dashpot, and cut the stem off that goes
>down into the dashpot with the damper on it.  I ran the car this way for 15
>years and never had any problems.

I borrowed a set of SUs that were set up like that from Chip Bond
(they may have come on the car that he bought from Jack) and I used
them on my TR-4 autocross car for a year.  Unlike road racing, autocrossing
requires lots of on and off throttle, lots of mid-throttle acceleration,
etc.  Those carbs performed quite well for me; I'm currently running
42 DCOE webers on the car because I get a little better throttle response
due to the accelerator pump, I'd guess.


John Lye

'59 TR-3A, '62 TR-4, '70 GT-6+

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