Since we are into the race report season: Our local SCCA had an event
at Homestead Motorsports complex, very classy place. Our vintage group
had an uncharacteristically miserable turnout of only 7 cars, including
a Pinto that is normally rented to run Improved Touring (yech).
The goal of the weekend for the TR3 was to make sure it's ready to head
north to the Mid-Ohio race. Still have some carb tuning problems but
otherwise all seems healthy. Finished second between two 911's and also
followed by a Lotus FJ and a Griffin. Trailing two cars were an Fiat
Abarth 850 and the &^*(ing Pinto. Now that's a mixed bag of cars.
Many thanks to Joe for helping organize what I'm sure will be a great MO
event. Great race track and great people.