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Re: Hosed

Subject: Re: Hosed
From: "Mark J. Bradakis" <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 13:25:01 -0600 (MDT)
     > Yeah, but what an intense five minutes!  Hardly Boys Race Spit
     > vs Killer the two tone SPit...

     ...and, hopefully, Tristan the Texas Spit (Hi, Susan)!

Well, don't count on it, but Killer may not be a two tone special this year.
If I stay focused and don't get too distracted, I should have the 250 done
and gone soon, and have a few days left to work on Killer.  Let's see, 20
days from this moment I plan to be somewhere near the eastern edge of Wyoming
or into Nebraska, hmm...

But then again, at this point, we could just show up doing nothing more
than checking the oil, charging the battery and wiping off the big chunks
of dirt and grime.  I say "we" but there is a possibility that with his
recent job change, Pugs may not be able to get away for VTR this year.  Drat.

Of course, on the other hand, without Pugs there, there is no threat of
anyone being able to beat me on the autocross course.  I'm not worried
about any TR4s getting the best time of the day!


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