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Re: TR-3 rebuild

Subject: Re: TR-3 rebuild
From: "R. John Lye" <>
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 07:37:22 wrote:
> Date: Monday, January 19, 1998 5:54 AM
> I'm about to start the long-delayed rebuild of my "wrinkled" TR3 vintage
> racer.   Am in need of a relatively rust-free and straight frame, tub,
> left side fenders.  Do not need right side fenders, hood, deck, front

     A frined sent me some photos of a TR-3 tub in a scrap yard
in Richmond.  It looks intact, but is missing a lot of the sheet
metal.  The tub and frame are there, and could probably be purchased
for less than $200.  I can forward the photos if you're interested, and 
I can put you in touch with Ric Bergstrom, who found the car if you're
still interested after seeing the photos.  I haven't seen the car
myself, so this is about all I know.

John Lye

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