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VTR Nationals, Re: John and Val's Excellent Weekend

To: "Irv Korey" <>,
Subject: VTR Nationals, Re: John and Val's Excellent Weekend
From: "Bob Kramer" <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 07:24:23 -0500
One of the subjects that came up at the VTR meeting was why the turnout at
the Nationals is declining. The answers seem to be that there are more
choices than ever, with very the TRF summer party, Moss sponsored events,
more VTR regionals and bigger and better British car events all over the
country.  With so much to choose from, VTR members are opting for the more
special events that include racing, boat rides, etc. Events like
Triumphfest and the Summer Party are not losing ground.

Savannah was a very special VTR national, due in great part to the race
cars.  I spent most of two days at the track drooling (or was that sweat). 
Since the VTR is an organization that exposes values that include
encouraging driving the car in the manner it was intended, (concours cars
must be in a driving event) it is my opinion that the VTR should focus on
the cars that represent the true Triumph spirit.  This would include
autocross and race cars, cars that compete in the rallies etc., and reward
them. Take the emphasis on driving the cars to the next level.  The judging
class for modifed race cars is a good start.  I suggest that we attempt to
have every VTR National in a locale nearby to some very special feature
like a Vintage race weekend.  A lot of tracks around the country will make
space for large clubs and even allow track touring during lunch.  We could
cajole the vintage racers to come out each year to the VTR Triumph
challenge at the Nationals, especially if we pick the right location.

I understand that everyone isn't as interested in racing as I am, but I
think  that all members are interested in the VTR national being the big
annual event for Triumphs. Set some minimums in terms of rallies, races and
autocrosses for the event, invite racers, and focus the events on driving. 
I think Asheville was a good example of an event focused on driving.  

One last comment.  As far as the "heat" in Ft. Worth.  Savannah was much
more uncomfortable.  Higher humidity and almost as hot.  Seems the A/C in
the rooms was just as lousy too. I don't think it's fair to complain, or
not come to an event because it's going to be  hot.  The RRTC did a good
job of selecting a hotel site with lots of shade trees, two pools and an
occasional rain shower.  When you are sitting in the sun in a TR, it's
going to be hot wherever you are in July. From outside appearance, the
hotel looked perfect in every way. The management just doesn't care how
they run it. The place is old and outdated, and has not been upgraded even
though it sorely needs it. I'm sure the sales staff showed the RRTC people
a few really nice rooms in the winter time when the a/c didn't matter. For
me, the hotel counter staff screwed up the deal, and the A/C in the
buildings is just old and inefficient. Reminded me more of a Motel 6 in
terms of rooms. One mans opinion.

Bob Kramer, Austin TX
Hill Country Triumph Club
TR6x3, TR250 x3, TR3A vintage race

> From: Irv Korey <>
> To: R John Lye <rjl6n@UVA.PCMAIL.VIRGINIA.EDU>; Chip Bond
<spirals@ESINET.NET>; ''
> Subject: Re: John and Val's Excellent Weekend
> Date: Tuesday, July 15, 1997 7:43 PM
> R John Lye wrote:
> > It was nice to see so many race cars in the show - this is something 
> > that I'd really like to see the VTR encourage.  There are a lot of
> > really neat cars out there on the vintage circuit that a lot of
> > folks would really enjoy seeing.
> Savannah in 92 had an even bigger group of race cars. There were at least
> 10-12, including a TR4 that had run in the 24 Hours of Daytona. They even
> had a full day of Solo I for qualified cars and drivers the day after the
> autocross. I wonder if that is why I always look back on that one as one
> my favorite VTR's? ;-)
> Irv

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