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Hi all
I have been neglecting my Datsun ,but it is time to get it on the road agai=
n. I was at the Solvang years ago and saw that the brakes can be upgraded t=
o either Volvo or Datsun parts. Which is better and is there a better optio=
n that I should look at? Also the reason it is not running is the fuel pump=
. I was thinking about installing a new electric one=C2=A0, suggestions ?
Thanks for your help with this.
1969 2000
Terry Albers
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<div class=3D"userStyles" style=3D" font-family: Arial; font-size: 12pt; co=
lor: #000000;">Hi all<br>
I have been neglecting my Datsun ,but it is time to get it on the road agai=
n. I was at the Solvang years ago and saw that the brakes can be upgraded t=
o either Volvo or Datsun parts. Which is better and is there a better optio=
n that I should look at? Also the reason it is not running is the fuel pump=
. I was thinking about installing a new electric one , suggestions ?<=
Thanks for your help with this.<br>
1969 2000<br>
Terry Albers</div>
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Archive: http://www.team.net/pipermail/datsun-roadsters