I didn't see the original post, but for testing, just connect the
alternator output to the battery + terminal. I'd suggest a 30A fuse in
the line, just for safety.
Since the ammeter may be toast any way, if this works, you can make the
wire permanent, but be sure to use the fuse!
30A fuse will be fine for the stock alternator, but if you have a higher
output alternator, you might want to go up on the fuse rating.
Thusly spake Graeme S.
> Don't know what model you have but it might be easier to just bridge
> the two terminals behind the Ammeter.
> Or lift one wire off and fit it to the other terminal and wire.
> Either or if you suspect the Ammeter has magically become a fuse and a
> blown one at that :(
> Regards,
> Graeme S.
> nissanman.shutterfly.com
> On 19/09/2013 11:50 PM, chalsted@comcast.net wrote:
>> I'm electrically challenged...if I've toasted the amp meter, if I'm
>> following the wiring diagram correctly it appears that to bypass the
>> amp meter I want to jumper from the white wire coming off the starter
>> harness to the red and white wire where it comes off the multi gauge
>> or straight to where that red and white wire goes into the fuse box-
>> with a 30 amp fuse plumbed into the jumper wire...is this correct?
>> Thanks,
>> Craig
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