I echo that recommendation
Sent from my iPod
On Jan 18, 2013, at 11:19 AM, Michael Roney <Mike.Roney@RaymondJames.com>
> Larry: Before my roadster made the trip via a transport to Ohio, it spent
> about a month at Miller Sports & Imports, 80 N. Altadena Drive, Pasadena,
> 91107. The owner is Skip Miller and he can be reached at 626-793-0487.
> Skip was very good with communicating and reasonable in price. Doubt you
> could go wrong there.
> Mike
> Best,
> The Roney Group of
> Raymond James & Associates
> Mike Roney Brenda
> Gnagi
> Vice President, Investments Registered Client
> Investment Management Consultant Service Associate
> Wealth Management Specialist
> www.theroneygroup.com<http://www.theroneygroup.com/>
> [36E_RoneyGrp_RGB (2)]
> 3178 Kingsdale Center
> Columbus, OH 43221
> 888-301-9255
> 614-442-2340
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> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of
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