I agree, higher prices makes it harder to keep on the road. And owners are
hesitant to drive them regularly. I'd rather the prices were low so they're
more carefree to use (and not worry so much about theft or failure). Most of
us drive them to enjoy the ride, not to make an investment.
Fred - SSF, CA
On Jan 11, 2013, at 4:04 PM, Paul Kort <paulsdatsunstuff@gmail.com> wrote:
> As I see it, the only time higher pricing helps is when/if you are
> selling. And that may not actually help at all. Hard enough to sell one
> cheap. If they were priced equal to say a TR6, more folks would turn to
> the Triumph instead of an old car without much support.
> As for buying/owning/ maintaining, higher prices just makes it harder to
> keep them on the road.
> just MHO,
> Paul
> Ohio
> On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 6:59 PM, Larry Dziuba <roadster68@shaw.ca> wrote:
>> Hey, let's not beat our beloved car. The higher the better. You know how
>> much work, time and parts it takes to restore any vehicle. And I think
>> Datsun roadster should rank higher that a lot of others out there. If it
>> is ever stolen or burns up, then I want get the best value from my
>> insurance policy. Larry.
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Whiteford" <anwhiteford@att.net
>> To: "Linda J" <ljordan704@netscape.net>; <chalsted@comcast.net>
>> Cc: <datsun-roadsters@autox.team.**net <datsun-roadsters@autox.team.net>>
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 9:54 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Roadsters] NADA roadster values
>> Unfortunately when it comes to Roadster values, we've seen the enemy and
>>> us.
>>> In
>>> the three years I've been involved with these cars I can
>>> only remember one 67
>>> 2000 coming close to the appraisal listed below and that
>>> was at a loss to the
>>> owner (40K invested). We've become a community
>>> of Walmart owner's and sellers.
>>> ______________________________**__
>>> From:
>>> Linda J <ljordan704@netscape.net>
>>> To: "chalsted@comcast.net"
>>> <chalsted@comcast.net>
>>> Cc: "datsun-roadsters@autox.team.**net <datsun-roadsters@autox.team.net>"
>>> <datsun-roadsters@autox.team.**net <datsun-roadsters@autox.team.net>>
>>> Sent: Wed, January 9, 2013 7:13:21 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [Roadsters] NADA roadster values
>>> High appraisals are good for
>>> their book sales it seems.
>>> Linda
>>> Sent from my iPod
>>> On Jan 9, 2013, at 6:56
>>> AM, chalsted@comcast.net wrote:
>>> just got my latest NADA Classic,
>>> Collectible, Exotic and Muscle Car
>>> Appraisal Guide and Directory (whew!)
>>> thought I'd share what they have for
>>> roadster values...all will be the listed
>>> high book.
>>>> 1500
>>>> 63 $18,900
>>>> 64 $17,200
>>>> 65 $16,300
>>>> 1600
>>>> 66
>>> $21,600
>>>> 67 $20,900
>>>> 68 $20,300
>>>> 69 $19,500
>>>> 70 $19,100
>>>> 2000
>>>> 67
>>> $36,300
>>>> 68 $26,300
>>>> 69 $25,800
>>>> 70 $25,400
>>>> ______________________________**__________
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