Sorry for the subject line and the lack of specificity. Not asking for
recommendations for a specific hotter cam, only inquiring as the
availability of them and possible sources. Thank you all anyway, have a
great week.
On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 6:48 PM, Pete Peters <> wrote:
> Thanks for changing the Subject line to the actual subject, Tim.
> You can confirm whether L16, L18 or L20b by checking the engine number on
> the block: left-hand side when looking from the front of the engine, near
> to
> the back, above the starter motor, stamped into a machined-flat surface
> about 3 inches by an inch, near the top of the block (but below the head
> gasket and the spark plugs).
> I'm sure there's a few roadster folks that know L-series motors, but you'll
> find more L motor folks on the Bluebirds Google Groups, 510realm forums,
> and/or Ratsun forums.
> Do your homework and be prepared, meaning asking "what's a hotter cam?" is
> as useless as "what's the best tire?" People want to help, but you have to
> provide specific information/questions. At a minimum, you need to know what
> you have, and what you're trying to accomplish. A hotter cam for street use
> is totally different than racing, etc, etc.
> Cheers.
> Pete
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Tim
> Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2011 2:23 PM
> To: Jeffrey Morrell
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Roadsters] hotter cam was hemmings article
> i believe the motor in the Roadster you bought from Steb is an L18 not L16.
> Someone should know about this motor even though it is not a Roadster
> motor.
> Tim
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Jeffrey
> Morrell
> Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2011 7:37 AM
> To: Jerry Krakauer
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Roadsters] Hemmings Article
> I am taking the heads off of my L16 swap this winter to investigate/repair
> my burping carburetors. Does anyone know anything about the availability of
> hotter-than-stock cams? I bought my 1600 from Steve Harvey this
> fall-neither
> of us are quite sure what engine is in there but it appears to be an L16.
> Thanks in advance!
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