Hey all!
Early registration has now closed! So if your gonna come, please register at
the show. Speaking of the show...I will be in Solvang(Buellton Motel 6) on
Thursday afternoon for all of you who may want to tie up any registration
loose ends. We will start handing out registration packets on Friday and at
the "Cruise-In"(Big Bopper Drive-In) on Friday night.
Also, I have not pounded the streets nearly as hard this year as in past for
raffle donations, but if you have soemthing really cool that you could part
with or would like to donate to the raffle..bring it with ya! It would be
GREATLY appreciated!
Weather for Solvang from Yahoo has all weekend looking sunny and
beautiful..Highs in the mid 70's lows in the mid 40's/.....Perfect! See ya
Jeff T.
Donate: http://www.team.net/donate.html
Suggested annual donation $16.00
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